Novel Biomarkers for Ageing and Metabolic Health
Medicine : Therapeutics
Medicine : Diagnostics
Research Tools : Other
Nucleic Acid-, Protein and Cell-related Technologies : Cell related
Ref.-Nr.: 1013-5354-MSG
Researchers of the Max Planck have discovered that many longevity pathways converge on the nucleolus, a nuclear subcompartment that is the cellular site of ribosomal RNA synthesis, ribosome biogenesis, and assembly of various ribonucleoprotein particles.
Specifically, they found that these pathways strikingly reduce nucleolar size, as well as expression of nucleolar protein fibrillarin, ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins across different species (C. elegans, fruit flies and mice).
Furthermore, they found a striking inverse correlation between nucleolar size and longevity in C. elegans. In humans, they could show that muscle biopsies from individuals who underwent modest dietary restriction coupled with exercise also displayed small nucleoli.
This work suggests that small nucleoli are a visible hallmark of longevity and metabolic health, and that molecules associated with nucleolar function might serve as predictive, causal biomarkers of life expectancy.

Fig. 1: Schematic illustrating the experiment, which shows that longer-lived worms exhibit small nucleoli and vice versa

Fig. 2: Muscle biopsies from humans undergoing DR and exercise exhibit small nucleoli. Scale bars represent 20 mm. *P < 0.05 paired t-test.
Work is underway to determine the effects of various interventions (genetic, pharmacologic and environmental) on the identified parameters of metabolic health. Also, assays that facilitate screening from more accessible tissues are being developed (saliva, blood).
We are now looking for a collaboration or a licensing partner to further develop these exciting findings.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16083
Patent Information
A PCT application was filed on 2.3.2018 (PCT/EP2018/055229).
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