
IT / Software / Bioinformatics


Lock-in thermography (LIT) is a versatile and very sensitive tool to detect local heat sources in electronic components by 2d-images oft he sample. The DECONV program is a tool for converting these lock-in thermography images into local power density images or simulating LIT images by performing mathematical deconvolution or convolution and uses input image data in ASCII table form. Results are exported as ASCII tables or as bmp-files.

This software is a further development of an older software called „Vektorielles Entfaltungsprogramm" of August 18, 1998.


Single User license for DECONV (version 8.0) without source code (industry, no additional users)

Total Price: EUR 750,--

The above price includes:

  1. The license fee for a non-exclusive right to use and display the software program.
  2. The software and manuals in PDF and PostScript format. You have the choice whether this should be sent by e-mail or by regular mail (in the latter-case a CD-ROM is delivered).


  • Highly Sensitive Lock-in Thermography Investigation of Local Heat Sources Implying 2-Dimensional Spatial Deconvolution
    O. Breitenstein, I. Konovalov, and M. Langenkamp
  • Lock-in IR-Thermography - a novel tool for material and device characterization
    S. Huth, O. Breitenstein, A. Huber, D. Dantz, U. Lambert, F. Altmann
  • Quantitative Evaluation of Shunts in Solar Cells by Lock-In Thermography
    O. Breitenstein, J. P. Rakotoniaina, M. H. Al Rifai
    Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2003; 11:515-526

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PD Dr. Wolfgang Tröger

Senior Patent- & License Manager


Phone: +49 89 / 29 09 19-27