VIP+ Program
Research in universities and non-university research institutes often results in exciting new insights – sometimes even specific ideas on their practical application. But to find out whether the idea is actually suitable for an innovative product or a new service, further research is often called for. This gap between the initial results from the fundamental research and a potential application is closed by the funding measure “Validation of the technological and social innovation potential of scientific research - VIP+”. Application remains open continually. The group of experts meets regularly.
Innovation through validation
With the new high-tech strategy “Innovation for Germany”, the federal government has set the target of strengthening Germany’s innovative flair through creative and innovative responses to the urgent challenges of our age. To achieve this, the funding of research and development is based on an advanced innovative concept comprising technological and social innovations alike.
The transfer is also broader in scope. The transfer of knowledge and insights encompasses the natural, life and engineering sciences as well as the humanities, social and cultural sciences and develops innovation potentials for the economy and society.
To encourage significant innovations, the bridge between research and the utilization or application must be strengthened by research results. This is the aim of the funding measure “Validation of the technological and social innovation potential of scientific research – VIP+”.
The funding measure “Validation of the technological and social innovation potential of scientific research– VIP+” invites scientists from all disciplines, from the world of research to take the first step towards scientific added value or social application.
The funding measure VIP+ supports scientists in ascertaining and demonstrating the innovation potential of research results as well as developing possible application fields. In this way, VIP+ fulfills the basic requirements for refining research results into innovative products, processes or services.
At the same time, the risk for third parties who invest in the development is reduced. Funding by VIP+ is therefore via purely technical scientific questions. It serves to build a bridge over to the subsequent utilization or application.
With VIP+, this further research and development work is funded in projects of up to three years with up to 1.5 million euros. The open-topic funding measure is oriented to researchers from universities or non-university research institutes, who are financed by the federal government and federal states, a well as federal institutions with R&D tasks. Applications can be made successively.

Senior Start-up & Portfolio Manager
Dr. Dieter Treichel
Phone: +49 89 / 29 09 19-26