GO-Bio – Foundation Offensive Biotechnology
GO-Bio is intended to close a validation gap in the area of life sciences. This gap is generally characterized by high financial requirements and long development times. For this, spin-off ready science teams from the life sciences are supported financially up to four years before the foundation in an initial funding phase. Under certain preconditions, a further three years are subsidized after the incorporation as part of a second funding phase.
Besides extensive material resources, above all up to 9 staff members (1 research group leader, 2 post-docs, 2 persons with vocational experience in the industry, 2 doctoral candidates, and 2 technical employees) are financed up to 100 % in the first funding phase. In a second funding phase, the eligible expenses can also be subsidized to 70 %.
The tender for a new selection round usually occurs at an interval of 1 ½ to 2 years.

Senior Start-up & Portfolio Manager
Dr. Dieter Treichel
Phone: +49 89 / 29 09 19-36